The Healthcare Program

The program aims to provide medical care to children from socially vulnerable categories, including payment for surgeries, checkups, treatment, and rehabilitation.

The primary project within this program is the "Wings of Hope" project, which focuses on aiding sick children, orphans, children with disabilities, and those without parental care.

We also offer targeted assistance in the form of children's hygiene products, specialized therapeutic nutrition, medications, and equipment for children with special needs in socially disadvantaged families. Additionally, support is extended to residents of orphanages, boarding schools, and educational-rehabilitation centers.

Since the foundation's inception, we have been offering assistance to the residents of Marcsri Homes orphanages in Sri Lanka through this program.

The country's longstanding issue of insufficient access to quality drinking water has led to a high prevalence of kidney diseases among most children.

Liliya Watson personally held meetings with the President of Sri Lanka to discuss collaboration and aid for children suffering from kidney diseases. Financial support was extended to ensure the orphanage residents have access to clean drinking water and essential medications.

Volunteers from the foundation regularly visit the wards, delivering hygiene products for children with disabilities who are under the care of these orphanages.

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