The Program of Cultural Development for Children

We aim to comprehensively develop and enrich the inner world of children, infusing joy into their daily lives.

Childhood is a magical time when dreams can come true, and children are open to the wider world and excited to learn new things.

"The Kaleidoscope of Children's Dreams" is the flagship project of the foundation, executed within the cultural development program.

Children express their creativity by drawing their dreams at workshops, learn new and exciting things at trainings, immerse themselves in the magic of theater, experience positive emotions from entertainment and holidays, gain knowledge about the world and discover themselves during excursions and exhibitions, and communicate and exchange ideas with their peers.

The vast majority of our project participants are orphans, children deprived of parental care, and children from other socially vulnerable categories of families.

Due to their difficult financial situation, this is the only opportunity for most of them to visit exhibitions and museums, discover something new, and communicate with new interesting people.

Therefore, there is a significant need for organizing active and enjoyable leisure activities for these children. We strive to ensure that the children have the chance to visit as many bright and memorable places as possible, expanding their horizons and acquiring new knowledge.

Each event is a small unforgettable journey full of adventures, new knowledge, exciting impressions, emotions and memories that will remain in the memory for a lifetime. For this opportunity, we are grateful to our benefactors, cultural and artistic institutions of Kyiv, who are involved in the implementation of our project.

Visiting theaters and cinemas

Visiting museums

Holidays for children from orphanages, boarding schools, educational and rehabilitation centers

Concerts for children

Creative workshops for children from vulnerable families

Culinary workshops

Excursions to the production facilities

Training courses

On-site workshops for children living in orphanages and boarding schools

Visiting amusement parks

Our friends and benefactors help us to make the children's world brighter and happier. You are welcome to join us! Together we can do more!