The Sports and Healthy Lifestyle Development Program

Our goal is to engage children in an active and healthy lifestyle. An active lifestyle and participation in sports not only contribute to maintaining good health but also cultivate determination, perseverance, and self-confidence. This, in turn, creates internal motivation for the realization of their goals and dreams.

The avenues for implementing this program include:

In 2015, we initiated a partnership with the community organization "Ternivka Basketball Club Crossover," located in Ternivka, Dnipro region. The team achieved the title of regional champions in 2017 and national champions in the 2017-2018 season.

During our collaboration, we organized several charitable initiatives to support the basketball club. This included upgrading the sports facilities and providing the teams with necessary sports equipment and gear.

Beyond supplying equipment and uniforms, the girls have had the opportunity to enjoy a children's sports and recreational camp on the shores of the Azov Sea. These trips offer unforgettable experiences, positive emotions, and the chance to recharge for new achievements. We are delighted to be by the side of and support our champions.

In 2017, we launched the annual Liliya Watson Cup, an all-Ukrainian girls' basketball tournament, to promote sports among young people. Girls know from experience that sports strengthen character and help them achieve their goals. Our young athletes are guided by the main rule of achieving success and drawing attention to the value of sports culture.

The Foundation's President, Liliya Watson, personally attends competitions and awards the participants. Supporting the girls and celebrating their victories is of great value. Meetings with the wards always bring positive emotions, sincere hugs, and pleasant gifts.

The Foundation has recently signed a partnership agreement with the Children's and Youth Sports School of Novomoskovsk, through which it plans to provide assistance to the school and the girls' basketball club, BC Novomoskovsk. We are pleased that today's young people recognize the significance of maintaining an active lifestyle and are able to achieve their athletic goals.

As part of this program, the President of our foundation, Liliya Watson, accompanied volunteers to organize a trip to Sri Lanka for girls from the Bondar family-type orphanage. During the trip, the girls had the opportunity to visit the island's most interesting historical sites, engage in physical activities such as yoga and water aerobics, and admire the beautiful scenery. The primary objective was to provide our children with a warm and joyful experience, creating pleasant memories and impressions that will last a lifetime.

Additionally, Liliya and the girls took the opportunity to visit our local wards, specifically the Rita Mark Sri orphanage, which houses children with disabilities. The girls provided them with essential supplies such as food and diapers, and engaged in activities such as singing Ukrainian songs and playing with the children. It is important to provide support to those in need, not only financially but also emotionally, in order to comfort them and uplift their spirits.

One of the important projects implemented under the Sports and Healthy Lifestyle Development Program is the «One-Day Summer Camp» project. The concept of the camp is meaningful and active leisure for children. This is a great opportunity to distract kids from sitting at home at their computers, give them the opportunity to learn something new, get live communication, and spend time outdoors. Active recreation of children in a friendly company, socializing with friends, thematic workshops - all this contributes to the formation of communication skills, the disclosure of individual potential and the development of children's talents. Even a single day given to a child can affect his or her attitude to themselves, their own strengths and abilities.

Supporting sports and an active lifestyle is an essential condition for shaping a healthy generation. By supporting children, we are building our shared future!